Apple Music Concept & Redesign
UI Designer
I love Apple furthering user customization of iPhones with the addition of custom screen savors, widgets, and home screen layouts from constant IOS updates. As an Apple product owner, an exciting addition to iPhone customization would be able to alter the appearance of the UI of applications, such as Apple Music. I brought the idea of customization of the “Highlight Color” setting on Apple’s Mac computers to Apple’s iPhones. This concept and redesign show the customization of the “Highlight Color” feature using #ff4566 within the UI of Apple Music with the additional feature of viewing friends and their activities live.
Thought Process
While going about this personal project, I chose to implement #ff4566 within the background of the interface itself while still bringing importance to the albums of the songs.
UI Placement
While Apple currently has the navigation bar on the bottom of the design, I played around with the placement of the navigation bar. However, realizing Apple's update with ios 15 of moving the search bar to the bottom, this placement enables better user experience for quick song searches and changes.
Many social media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, utilizes either icons or text for their navigation bar. While Apple Music currently has both, for simplicity, I chose to stick with the text-based navigation bar.
Final Screens
Marketing Ideations